Empowerment Workshop Descriptions

Empowerment Program

Three 3 hour workshop Topics

1. Master Your Problems  

Do you find yourself constantly feeling like your life is filled with problems? Do you feel like nothing you do seems to work out for you?  The Master Your Problems workshop is tailored to guide you through an inquiry process to get clear on what is in the way of your goal and your success.  Wouldn’t it be nice to find a simple process that allows you to manage any problem or difficulty that arise in your life?  This workshop teaches you how to do that and apply it to any aspect of your life, big or small.

2. Find Your Life Purpose 

Are you reeling from the frustration of feeling like you are supposed to be doing something, but you do not know what it is?  Are you feeling annoyed that others seem to have a clear understanding of what they want to do in their lives, but you suffer from confusion and lack of clarity, working a job just for the income with little to no personal satisfaction?  Our Find Your Life Purpose workshop helps you reveal your hidden passion and talents so you can open up and uncover your purpose and begin to take action steps to meet your newly defined goals.  Become the YOU you’ve always dreamed of … or even better, feel free to dream outside of the proverbial lines!

3. Build Healthy Boundaries 

Take back the self that was lost through childhood boundary violations. Learn how to manage present-day personal boundaries. Release guilt and regrets you may carry from violating the boundaries of others.

Do you find yourself resenting others but not understanding why? Do you find yourself offering to help but then feeling frustrated when it is time to help? Do you catch yourself saying its ok, I am always wrong or that’s just me, so it doesn’t matter?  Do you secretly believe that you aren’t good enough or that you will likely fail anyway?

If this sounds like you, you will benefit from the empowerment gained from the Build Healthy Boundaries workshop!  This workshop is designed to help people like you who are feeling disempowered and feeling dominated by external forces beyond their control.  It helps empower the child who wasn’t heard in childhood and learn how to manage present day problems by setting healthy boundaries now to serve you for the rest of your life.  You will learn how to take your life power back.

4. Freedom From Anxiety 

Do you find yourself wanting to run and hide from others? Are you tired of having anxiety run your life? Do you have trouble making the tiniest decisions or find it hard to trust your own judgement?

Take back your own personal power in our Freedom from Anxiety workshop!  You will learn about three beneficial modes of yogic life for optimal experience as you shift your energy from victim to creator in your own life.

5. Remove Regret 

Are you holding regret in your body?  Do you desire something in your life but secretly feel like it will be kept from you because of something you have done or said in the past?  Do you find yourself looking over your shoulder waiting for something bad to happen? Our Removing Regret workshop will empower you to clear those debilitating thoughts and feelings in order to spark new positive, and authentic relationships with yourself and others that propel you forward in life.

6. Dig the Root of Depression 

Does your life lack purpose? Do you feel sad and don’t know why? Is it keeping you stuck? Learn to identify the source of your depression, understand it and clear it. Regain your personal power by learning to let go of the root of your depression. Learn to identify your feelings and feel them. Gain new healthy coping skills.

7. Empower Your Confidence 

If your friends or family said the things to you that you tell yourself in the quiet of your mind, would you still be friends?  Often, we are the harshest on ourselves and it can be tough to navigate which voice in our head is the kind one… We feel like we are not enough, we are unworthy, or been told it often enough that now we believe it… The Empower Your Confidence workshop is geared to help you quiet your inner critic, trust yourself, and know with confidence that the decisions you make are the right ones for you and your future!

8. Inspire Your Intuition 

Have you ever wondered what people mean when they talk about doing things intuitively? Do you wish you had access to that same kind of deep inner knowledge to make better decisions in your own life?

Now you can explore your own inner and innate power through the Inspire Your Intuition workshop which will help you develop trust in your own abilities, open yourself up to wisdom of the Divine and make decisions which serve your highest good.

9. Improve Family Gatherings 

Do you ever feel trapped at your own family functions, not having your own voice and not agreeing with the voices of others in your family?  Do you feel drained and unhappy after a get together? Do you ever wonder where the fairness resides and if this is how others live?

This Family Gatherings workshop can help you understand your own self in relation to your family dynamic and empowers you to set and maintain healthy boundaries to preserve your dignity within your family relationships.

10. Heal the Heart 

Having trouble healing from that broken heart?  Feel like no one understands the pain in your heart?  Having difficulty moving forward after that huge breakup? Not sure who you are without a partner? Sometimes we hope that our love with another will make everything right in our lives and when it doesn’t, we are unsure how to navigate the unstill waters of our tender hearts.  Our empowering Healing the Heart workshop helps you do exactly that; process and move beyond the turmoil of the hurt you feel, gain greater clarity, and find a healthy way to heal.

11. Develop Decisive Power 

Having difficulty making a decision for yourself? Always deferring to others… Are you feeling like a follower? Unable to set your own wheels into motion in life? Is lack of decisiveness holding you back? When you complete the Develop Decisiveness Power workshop you will gain confidence in your decision-making process.  You will learn to recognize patterns and stuck energy while developing your intuitive power to assist you in discerning the correct path forward for yourself.

12. Relate to God 

Do you feel disconnected from God? No matter how much you try, you can’t seem to shake the beliefs of your religious upbringing, even though you know they aren’t serving you?  Are you frustrated feeling as though God does not hear you, or you cannot hear God? Our Relating to God workshop will help you find your centre, resolve unaddressed issues, and show you how to establish and nurture your own relationship with God so that you can co-create the life you desire.

13. Release an Illness 

Is your body holding you back?  Do you wish you could move forward but an illness keeps you stuck in the past? Ever feel like the illness controls your life? If you feel held back by an unwanted body condition, look no further… Our Releasing an Illness workshop helps you become the manager of your whole body by learning to heal the disconnected parts of ourselves.  You will learn how to improve your ability to relate to yourself and your illness in order to release tensions and bring awareness to the source of the illness which will give you the power to unlock and address the root trauma and clear the underlying emotions.

14. Free Your Past Trauma 

Do you ever feel like there’s a cloud that just seems to follow you around? No matter what you do, it seems like you are dragging all that extra weight, everything seems like a task, pressure never leaves but you don’t have a concrete answer for it – it’s like past trauma… and it’s a culprit that will have you doubting yourself constantly?

15. Past Life Clearing 

Are you plagued with a fear that you cannot explain? Do you have reoccurring flashbacks that do not make any sense in or to your life? Do you feel there an issue that follows you from a past life that you can not quite explain? Having experiences that you cannot talk to others about? Our Past Life Clearing workshop helps work out some of the experiences we have but cannot fully explain by getting clear on fixed attitudes and the decisions that led to them as well as unravel the details in order to expose the feelings associated with the fear, feelings, or flashbacks.  This empowers you to take back control of your own life and provides you with the tools to experience and provide past life regression sessions.

16. Recovery From Addictions 

Is an unhealthy attachment to something making your life unmanageable? Have you tried to quit and can’t? Release guilt and shame around the attachment. Discover the power of restraint. Transform your thinking. Unblock stuck emotions. Recognise the pattern of unforgiveness and clear it. Form new healthy connections.


6 workshop Course Topics

1. Move through Grief: Six 3 hour workshops

We all deal with grief in one form or another whether through loss of person(s) in your life, loss of job, loss of family through divorce, loss of self in relationship with another, or a host of other experiences of loss.  Grief affects everyone differently and everyone responds differently and that is ok.The key to healing as you’ll learn in this Moving through Grief workshop is to find what the loss means to you and then learn the skills to release and cleanse your mind body, so you are able to engage with yourself, family, friends, and life in a meaningful and healthy way. 5 stages of grief are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

2. Master Money and Your Life: Six 3 hours workshops

Do you wonder where your money goes every month? Do you find yourself running short? Are you living from pay check to pay check? This course is about how you can experience wealth by optimizing your lifestyle, clearing your emotional barriers, identifying your blueprint, managing your money, creating active and passive incomes, integrating wealth principles, creating a vision, goals, action steps and making decisions for manifesting your financial freedom.

This is a 6 three hour session program. Drawing from a range of teachings and practices we will help you gain personal power and overcome the internal and external barriers that are keeping you from a healthy, independent and stable financial life. This full program will transform your present money disabilities into a living dream!

3. Time Management: Six 3 hour workshops

Do you have a dysfunction with time? Are you always late? Are you always early? Do you live in constant fear of time?  Do you understand the relationship between respect and time?  Do you make people wait on you regularly? Time management tells a lot about the kind of people we are and how we feel about life and the people we interact with.  Do you know what your time management says about you? Take the Time Management 6 class course to clean up your own relationship with time and uncover what your habits say about you. Its Time!

4. Relationship Course: Six 3 hour workshops

Do you feel you cannot relate to your partner?  Would you like to move past your present level of relating? Do you wonder why you attract the same partners?

Transform and empower your intimate relationship. Clear your past relationships, envision your next relationship, learn to apply the 21 Maxims of relating, Distinguish the three styles of Intimacy, Understand the meaning of Love, Sexual polarity, Romance, and Intimate Communion, process your sex issues, Reunite in Marriage.

5. Eliminate False Core Beliefs: Six 3 hour workshops

Do you feel like an invisible force is somehow keeping you from reaching your goals?  Does it feel like no matter how hard you try to achieve something; it never ends up being what you had hoped and sometimes even turns the opposite way and becomes an issue to deal with? Ever find yourself wishing for insight or perhaps even a magic wand?

The Eliminate False Core Beliefs is a powerful workshop that can propel you into a path of clear sailing equipping you with the tools to get out of your own way. Sometimes we sabotage ourselves, unknowingly, based on beliefs we may not even realize we have about ourselves and about life.  This class empowers you to identify any disempowering core beliefs and helps you transform them to serve your highest self and regain your personal power.

6. Clear Business Issues: Six 3 hour workshops

An overall restructuring of your relationship to your business. Create a model demonstration for your purpose, goals and action steps. Get clear on your purpose. Understand your responsibilities. Marketing. Business Priority. Values. Tracking time. Personal management. Uprooting unwanted Business Plateau. Addressing lack of business education and transmission. Increasing Creativity. Relationship with Staff. Accounting and Finances. Getting Clear on Intention