What is Mind Clearing?

What is Mind Clearing?

Clearing addresses the suffering that people experience due to mental, emotional, spiritual, and relationship distress. It is based on the observation that most inner conflicts and states of unhappiness come about as a result of unexpressed communications.

Clearing takes place in a one-to-one counseling-style setting, working in areas of the client’s interest. The Clearer guides the client in communication processes that clear current problems, develop communication ability, release the effects of trauma, and free inner tension. Clearing clients often report a sense of release and of coming home to who they really are. They report having better relationships and being more able to get on with their life projects.

The effectiveness of Clearing lies in the communication processes themselves. Through these processes, real understanding and release can be achieved on subjects in the client’s inner world that have been held in tension, confusion, and non-understanding.

Clearing was developed by an American named Charles Berner in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Sessions occur in the context of professional ethics that include confidentiality. A client normally can begin with an initial interview and then commits to three to five sessions to test the value of Clearing for him or her.



“After taking Clearing sessions I was able to resolve a very difficult relationship with my family that had gone on since my childhood. Now I experience understanding, respect, and love, both ways. I also found the courage and the enthusiasm to bring forward from within myself some difficult projects at my work. I feel that Clearing sessions brought me into my real life.”- E.G.

“From Clearing sessions I gained the ability to relate and communicate with friends, relatives, and colleagues with clarity and ease. This alone has transformed my life.”-G.S.

“After a few Clearing sessions, problems that had plagued me for years simply vanished. Clearing really works because it goes to the truth of the problem. The Clearer and the client join forces and clear what isn’t real and what doesn’t work right out of the mind.”- V.M.

“Years ago, with great shame, I had to admit to myself that I sometimes struck my child in anger. I needed to do something to protect my child and I needed relief from my own guilt and agony over this. After a few Clearing sessions I was able to release this problem completely. I never hit my child after that. I got some part of my life and integrity back. And my child did not have to suffer this anymore. I am very, very grateful about this result.”-A.R.

“After many years of being a professional helper, I got some Clearing sessions and it was like entering a new universe. I experienced a new clarity of being worked with as an individual separate from the problem. I experienced a deeper kind of collaboration with the Clearer than I was used to. This was not only healing for me but has deepened how I work with others.”- R.W.




The Scope of Mind Clearing: What it Can Do and Can’t Do


What Mind Clearing Can Do

Real Relating. Mind Clearing can bring a client with patterns of isolation into real communication and contact. This result is a life-changer for those trapped in a world of inauthentic or fear-based relating.

Expanded ability to communicate. Whatever level of ability to communicate the client enters with, Mind Clearing improves it, reducing the tendency to dramatize. A process almost of rebirth unfolds as clients gradually recover their voice to a deeper level.

Clear current problems and stuck life projects. Many clients arrive with their life energy knotted up in current problems and stuck life projects. Mind Clearing has many tools for clearing these. The natural result is fewer life problems and more energy for creative projects and meaningful relationships.

Clear guilt and shame. The sense of guilt or shame is a powerful inhibitor of success and enjoyment of success. The release of these areas in Mind Clearing awakens a person to a world in which it is natural for good things to come and to enjoy them.

Clear common problem areas of modern life. Mind Clearing has sets of processes for clearing the common problem areas of modern life such as money, personal boundaries, business and work, improving family gatherings, cult exiting, finding a new couple partner, depression, and spiritual crisis.

Build stable life points. Some clients have challenges building stable life points such as a steady income, a place to live, or a good relationship. Mind Clearing develops the ability to create the stable points on which a better life is based.

Clarify deepest life purposes. Getting on track with these purposes opens the door to the greater adventure of life and contribution at a high level. It taps deeper sources of creative energy, power and inspiration.

Clear fixed attitudes. Many people are limited by fixed attitudes such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘No one would love me as I am.’ Mind Clearing has effective processes for clearing these fixed attitudes that limit personal potential.

Clear core conflicts. Some clients express deep core conflicts such as a chronic sense of not having agreed to be in life or being somehow fundamentally flawed. The deeper Mind Clearing processes are capable of clearing these core conflicts.

Build a sense of self-responsibility and power of choice. In Mind Clearing, clients increasingly experience that they are not a victim in life; that they always have choice and can initiate action. Eventually this experience becomes universal in the client’s being. It is the essence of the quality of personal empowerment.

Fulfill the definition of ‘mind clear.’  One definition is ‘being able to disengage from any influence of the mind within five seconds and act according to one’s choice.’ This stage amounts to freedom from projected significance and drama because the mind is always trying to add these to what is perceived. Here, the full potential of Mind Clearing has been reached.


What Mind Clearing Can’t Do

Realize the full potential of Mind Clearing for everyone all the time. Many clients get some benefit from Mind Clearing and prefer to carry on with their lives without going further in their clearing process. Among clients who continue there is a wide variation in pace of progress, something seen in all helping modalities. It’s because the factors affecting client progress are many. They include health, general trauma level, degree of interest, ability for inner work, resources, genetics, and life circumstances.

Deep emotion work.  Emotion Clearing works directly with pure emotional/body energy and divine energy to a deeper level than does Mind Clearing. Successful Mind Clearing prepares a client for successful Emotion Clearing by removing the mental blocks to free-flowing emotion and divine energy.

Clear addiction. With Mind Clearing sessions alone I’ve seen clients give up habits such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, cigarettes and problem drinking (as distinguished from alcoholism.) But experienced Clearers respect the power of deep addictive patterns and won’t promote Mind Clearing sessions as a cure for them by itself. They will create a plan that includes Mind Clearing sessions but does not rely on them alone. This is because the energies of addiction run deeper than the realm of the mind. A more comprehensive life/body/spiritual transformation is usually necessary for clearing addiction.

Mind Clearing is an effective companion to a comprehensive program of addiction recovery the client undertakes such as AA, Alanon, or similar programs. Mind Clearing contributes unique forms of processing and ability-gain to the power of 12-step or similar programs and is compatible with their aims and methods.

Body healing. Mind Clearing can improve a client’s state of relationship with a physical ailment. This assists the process of recovery and seems to contribute to the disappearing of some physical symptoms in some cases.

But for straight body healing, as in, ‘I have cancer, can Mind Clearing cure me?’ the answer is ‘not likely.’ Your advice ought to be, ‘I suggest you see a medical specialist for that. And have Mind Clearing sessions to deal with all that this is bringing up for you. Mind Clearing can help your recovery at all levels.’

Clear deep mental illness. When mental illness causes so low a level of responsibility as to produce continually erratic or non-responsive behavior, the client is likely not helpable by formal Mind Clearing sessions as yet. In some cases a skilled Clearer may be able to apply Clearing principles informally and start there.

Vanish the energy basis of the mind. Mind Clearing is very good at clearing the mind but it does not clear the energy basis of the mind. A deeper body/energy process of transformation is necessary for that. This requires more surrender to the divine energies, a process begun in Mind Clearing, furthered in Emotion Clearing, and deepened in spiritual practices carried out in the client’s personal life.

This is the scope of Mind Clearing. It leads to growing levels of self-responsibility and self-awareness. Mind Clearing is an adventure whose fruits are a life lived more truly and productively, with the doorway to one’s deepest spiritual journey swung open.