Tree Of Life Orientation

Toilets: Bunkhouse and cedar building. These toilets are gravity discharge. Partially fill bowl before use and clean with the brush & small amount of water after use. Please place toilet paper in the basket, not down the toilet. Please, nothing flushed down the toilet except the humanure. People are free to urinate outside in Nature.


Compost: Place organic waste (vegetables, fruit, meat, bones and compostable scraps) in buckets provided. When the bucket fills or before, dump it in the appropriate compost bin, cover with mulch, cow or horse manure or soil, and (in winter) cover with tarp.


Garbage: Recyclable plastics go into blue bags, and garbage into black bags. Non-glossy paper and cardboard, use as burnables for starting fires in wood stove. Garbage and recycling is placed into a large bin at foot of driveway.


Spring Water: We have beautiful clear spring water flowing out of Mother Earth, found below the fruit tree hill on the lower road. Please fill containers or large bucket, and keep the kitchen in supply.


Tap Water: We have a surface water supply supplied by gravity to all buildings. This water is for washing dished, toilet and showers, etc. We do not advise drinking this water but you may cook and brush teeth and wash with it.


Shower: We have hot showers using a demand propane gas system – please use moderately – maximum 10 to 15 minutes.


Laundry: There is one washer available for limited use.


Firewood: Please carry chopped wood inside, and stack in appropriate areas. It is good practice to place some beside or under the stove in order to be very dry. Chop and/or split all wood on the outdoor chopping block. Do not chop inside under any circumstances.


Tools: All garden and building tools are found either in the tool shed below the main building. Please return tools to these places after use. If a tool breaks, please inform us.


Power Tools: Do not use power tools if you have not had previous experience and cleared by Ian. Ask for instructions and/or demonstration. Always use safety googles and ear protection with power tools.


Sustainable Electrical Systems: We are off-the-grid and electricity is limited. We generate electricity using microhydro with a mini turbine, and solar panels. Energy is stored in a battery bank. Please be conservative with electricity ie. do not leave any lights on and make sure battery charger plugged are unplugged when not in use.


Workshops and Retreats. Sometimes we offer workshops on natural building, sustainable energy, yoga and meditation, and on occasion other workshops and spiritual retreats that may be planned. Work-Aways may be opportunistically invited to partake in workshops.


Donations: We are a not-for-profit and most everything is run through volunteer efforts. Material costs can be substantial. We appreciate any cash, cheque, email transfer or paypal donations to support the building and upkeep of TOL. We also have a donation box at the entrance of the main building to give you an opportunity to share your appreciation.



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