

Tree of Life 5 Acre Property from above



The Tree of Life actively maintains organic gardens, several herb gardens, a green house, berry bushes and fruit trees. We are part of a small-scale composting project and generate our own mulch. We are continuing to try to improve our gardening skills and increase self sufficiency and food security. Landscaping is an ongoing art, and we maintain a local ‘fog forest’ hiking trail.


The Tree of Life is entirely off-the-grid and currently utilizes micro hydro and solar power. We have a seasonal (8 months) gravity-fed water supply for our buildings, and plant-based reedbed waste disposal systems. The main (Kabbalah) building features a massive masonry wood heating unit, sometimes called a Russian Fireplace. Future plans include a solarium for the south end of the building and including solar hot water capacity.


The Tree of Life features extensive post and beam construction designed in the patterns of sacred geometry. (See the more detailed discussion on sacred geometry below). Where possible, lumber is sourced from demolition of old buildings, other waste lumber, and local lumber that we generate on our own bandsaw mill. Re-purposing old lumber requires considerable labour to de-nail,  plane, sand, and router.   We like to work with the principles of thermal mass in order to store wood heat and solar radiation during winter and yet keep the buildings cool during summer. For insulation, we are recycling sawdust and wood shavings from the sawmill and planers by adding a small portion of hydrated lime to prevent insect infestations.


Colonies of honeybees are situated at several sites on the property. We are striving to increase our honeybee capacity, and it is an evolving process to understand how to raise and tend honeybees in the Newfoundland climate. For the love of beauty and the beauty of love…





Here at The Tree of Life we encourage folks to “capture the moment” while working on any given task. To promote a meditative state of mind, Eastern philosophy defines karma yoga as the performance of simple tasks while not identifying oneself as the doer. The idea is to hold focus on the task at hand in the moment and being fully present to that, with the objective of experiencing oneself as the instrument of Universal Will. While serving, one is said to experience a state of peace by simply being fully present in the moment.



Artists interested in practicing and honing their craft in a natural setting are encouraged to take up residence at The Tree of Life. We are currently constructing an artist studio for this purpose.


In rare cases, we have interest in membership and leasehold of a building site on the property. We have a formal protocol to achieve such an arrangement but they are more an exception. Please contact us to request an application form for part-time membership.


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