Living From Consciousness 2

Schedule: October 14-16, 2022

Join Saeed for a weekend of exploring consciousness in your life. You will notice your whole life change in how you interact with yourself and others simply by tuning into Consciousness. Allow Consciousness to guide you. Notice a greater depth of happiness, satisfaction and a natural connection with all things when you apply this simple yet powerful and gratifying awareness practice.  Saeed has been traveling the world: India, Thailand, Bali and now Canada to share his wisdom and presence. He will visit Newfoundland this October 2022.


October 14-16, 2022 at The Lotus Centre.


Have you ever wondered what Consciousness or Love really is? Is there a difference? What is personal love versus Universal Love? “Choose Love, not fear”. This is often said, but what does it really mean? It can be confusing. Conflicting perspectives can arise inside. What is Love? How to communicate from this place? What are the stages of Love? What are the 3 hearts? What is grace? Here we will be an exploration of the nature of consciousness, heart, love and grace.

We will be exploring this from many perspectives to eventually come to a deeper understanding and possible tasting and experiencing from essence or source. We will look at the stages of love, the 3 hearts. To help facilitate this we will participate in various meditations and practices. We will also explore conscious communication to see how we can communicate from this place. Generally, what will be covered: – Personal Heart and the Universal Heart – 3 stages of Love – The 3 hearts Hridaya activation -The importance of love and the non dual state -Tantra and working with Conscious energy – Relative and Absolute Truth – Manifest and Unmanifest Consciousness – Levels of Consciousness – Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Consciousness – Difference between Awakening and Enlightenment – Conscious Communication – Presence and Awareness – And much more!

From the beginning to the end of this retreat a beautiful energy field conducive for the raising of Consciousness will be generated and maintained that is both strong and high. After everything is covered, we will consider the possibility of how to live from this place of Consciousness, Love and Grace.


Components that will be focused on:

  1. Exploring the body in relation to consciousness.
  2. Identifying Presence in the body and Presence externally and how to live from a place of Presence Consciousness. There will be individual, partnering and group practices.
  3. Identifying our primordial Awareness, the Inner Guru and how to live from a place of Awareness Consciousness.
  4. Communicating and living from Presence and awareness.

Friday 7-9pm, Saturday 10-1pm, 2-5pm, 7-9pm, Sunday 10-1pm, 2-5pm.

$200 per person

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