Mind Clearing Training
Year 1 Basics:
This Basics of Mind Clearing course prepares you to become a one on one Mind Clearer. The new therapist will be able to give basic mind clearing sessions.Please explore Empowerment Program Overview before taking this Basics of Mind Clearing training with the Lotus Centre. Pre-requisite: A Level 1 Empowerment Training Completion Certificate.
In this training, you will gain top tier education on interpersonal communication, the inner workings of the mind, and the nature of the true individual. You will learn proven methods under personal guidance as your experience and confidence grow.
Year 2-3 Basics:
Free Introduction to Mind Clearing training online zoom session: Tuesday 6-7, February 6, 2024
BASICS OF MIND CLEARING TRAINING for Professional development. Year 1 (of 3) Basics of Mind Clearing certification course. This course is to prepare the therapist for the basics of Mind Clearing using Current Problem Clearing, Relationship and Karma Clearing processes. Tuition: $2000. Certification hours: 100+ hrs. 2024-2025.
In this training you will gain quality education on the topic of communication, what help is, the inner workings of the mind, and the nature of the true individual. The essence of Mind Clearing is based on the observation that inner conflicts and states of unhappiness come about as a result of stuck communications.
You will learn proven methods under personal guidance as your experience and confidence grow.
Tuition: $2000. Monthly payment plan: $200 a month for ten months. (Or we discuss a plan together.)
First payment is upon receiving the Basics of Mind Clearing manual (a hard copy). Payment can be though visa on my website, etransfer, cheques or cash. (Barter can be discussed.)
Dates for 2024/ 25. 6 Weekends: 10 hours per weekend:
Sat: 9-12noon, 1-4pm, Sunday 9am-1pm.
September 28 & 29,
October 26 & 27,
November 16 & 17,
December 7 & 8,
2025 TBA but possibly…..
January 11 & 12,
February 8 & 9
• Basics of Mind Clearing Manual. (Send in a summary of each chapter.)
• Online Master Your Problems course. (Study the various segments and meet with Meranda in online group sessions to discuss questions. Meeting times will be discussed and appointed.)
• 60 hours of in person class training: 6 weekends Saturday 9-12, 1-4pm, Sunday 9am-1pm.
• 3 private Mind Clearing sessions with Meranda,
• 15 hours receiving sessions,
• 15 hours giving sessions.
What you gain during the in person weekend training:
• Guided experience giving and receiving basic Clearing Sessions.
• Training drills that increase your ability to work with people while staying in real communication.
• Experience in how to create the supportive environment
• Understanding the Ethics for Clearers
• Practice of Client assessments and establishing rapport
• Practice in Beginning and ending sessions
• Managing the Communication Cycle
• Basic processes for Clearing Current Problems, Relationship Clearing, Karma Clearing
• When to run a process and when to end it
• Setting up a Clearing practice of your own
You will receive a Year 1 Basics of Mind Clearing Certificate on completion of the course material.
Prerequisites: 1. Complete an interview with Meranda. 2. You have or will have completed at least one empowerment weekend workshop with Meranda. Or 3. You have received mind clearing sessions with Meranda.
4. Read the book – Mind Clearing: The key to Mindfulness Mastery by Alice Whieldon
The potential – Is this for you????
Clearing training is an investment in professional skills that has the potential for significant future earnings and work satisfaction. Successful students have the choice to give Clearing sessions full time or part-time. Many apply Clearing principles and techniques to their business and career. Clearing has many direct and indirect applications. It is an excellent basic training for anyone interested in going into any of the helping fields or broadening their base of practical education. Part of your development in Clearing training will be to discover how you want to use what you have learned.
Beyond the Basics of Clearing: (Year 2 and 3 will train the therapist to handle all types of clients.) This Basics of Clearing training fulfills the prerequisites for the Clearing Course Years II and III, and training in Emotion Clearing and Couples Clearing.
Clearing was developed between 1965 and 1975 by an American, Charles Berner, in California.
Charles Berner, also known as Yogeshwar Muni, began his study of science, metaphysics and scripture as a child. In his quest for the truth he visited many spiritual teachers and experimented with many spiritual growth paths. He created the Institute of Ability, Mind Clearing Programs, and the Enlightenment Intensive, a process that is used today world-wide to seek the truth by conscious, direct knowledge. In 1973 after twenty five years of searching, he met Swami Kripalvananda while on a pilgrimage to India and received shaktipat initiation from him. In due course, Swami Kripalvananda bestowed upon him the highest yogic teachings and initiations.