Free Your Mind: Beginners Meditation Course

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About Course

Free Your Mind Introduction


You can Free Your Mind!


This online Beginners Meditation Course called Free Your Mind will take you on a journey. A spiritual journey with me, Meranda. It could be the best thing you could do for yourself, and your life.

This course will outline the foundations of your new meditation lifestyle. It will give you the community support that you need.  You will receive spiritual guidance in transforming your thinking. I will teach you effective meditation techniques. I will help you keep your commitment to a daily practice. I will provide the guidance you need to start walking your spiritual path.

I am here to support you all the way.


This course will inspire you to live your highest purpose!


See below for more information about this course and how you can take this spiritual journey with me now to Free your Mind!


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What Will You Learn?

  • Module 1: Introduction to Meditation
  • Video 1: Support Systems for Meditation
  • Video 2: Meditation Postures
  • Module 2: Breath Meditation
  • Video 1: Why and What Meditation?
  • Video 2: Preparation for Meditation.
  • Video 3: What is Breath? Stages of Breath Meditation.
  • Audio: Guided Breath Meditation Practice
  • Module 3: Mantra Meditation
  • Video 1: Power of Sound, Chant and Mantra.
  • Video 2: Using Ego for Transformation
  • Video 3: Three Gunas or Modes of Life
  • Video 4: Mantra Meditation with the maala.
  • Audio: Guided Mantra meditation practice
  • Module 4: Extra Support with Meranda

Course Content

Module 1 Introduction to Meditation
Video 1 Support for your new meditation practice Video 2 Meditation postures

  • Module 1: Lesson 1 / Video 1: Support for Meditation
  • Module 1: Lesson 2 / Video 2: Meditation Postures

Module 2 Breath Meditation
Video 1. Why and What Meditation Video 2. Preparation for Meditation Video 3. What is Breath? Stages of Breath Meditation 4. Audio Guided Breath Meditation

Module 3 Mantra Meditation
Module 3: Lesson / Video 1: Power of Sound, Chant and Mantra Module 3: Lesson / Video 2: Using Ego for Transformation Module 3: Lesson / Video 3: Three Gunas or Modes of Life Module 3: Lesson / Video 4: Mantra Meditation with the Maala Module 3: Audio: Guided Mantra Meditation

Module 4 Extra Support Options
1. Private Zoom Question and Answer Session 2. Email Correspondence 3. Retreats, Workshops, Classes with Meranda

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